Definition of Line Art Design Artwork and Examples

Line Art is indeed a simple art, because it is only a line with a strong color or not in the form of a gradient.

Line art or line drawing is any image consisting of straight or curved lines as the main component of an image with a plain background, without gradations under shade or hue to represent two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects.

But as it develops, line art designs can also be given shading and texture on lines/outlines, not content...

Some derivatives of Line Art, such as vector vexel designs, cartoons, doodles art, and others, often use line art for their outlines.

cute monster doodle art

In general, Line Art designs are Monochrome (black, white, and gray), in addition to modifications by giving textures, shadows or by giving colors other than black to the lines or outlines, for the variety and uniqueness of the digital line art work.

In the process of developing the Line Art style, it can also be varied with the thickness of the line which will give the impression and fill the line art object as a substitute for giving the fill color or inner color to the object.

So Line Art is Line Art, if it is filled with color on the object, it means it is not an Outline/line art design.

For myself, I usually use the Thick Thin variation to give the Line Art design a "Space" effect... so it's not just an outline.

Also by using thinner lines to fill the outline, most of the outlines have thicker lines, making it easier to repeat patterns, and reducing streaks that cross the line. :)

My Favorite Line Art is Doodle... yes scribble... but I use Line Art Style...

However, I also don't rule out the possibility of giving color, outside of the simple and minimalist principle of Line Art and becoming a pure "Doodle"...

From my understanding so far, actually this Line Art is a Basic, but this is different from Sketches which are indeed more of a doodle for more mature scribbles or just raw scribbles.

A sketch is also a black line with a background, usually a color without a gradient... but this sketch is really free... and is still just an idea but has been visualized in written media, which can be used as a reference to produce more focused works, for example Sketches for Line Art, Sketch for Cartoon, Sketch for Architecture, Logo Sketch and many things...

In essence, the sketch is not a Final product, and still needs to be developed into a finished work to be better. This sketch is a Raw Scribble, but it should already have a Copyright.

And copyright should be attached immediately, when a work is published.

Because I think that is the basic idea to form a work, even to present it with a work partner, it also requires a sketch so that the communication of making art becomes easier to understand and as a work partner can achieve the desired result.

Examples of Line Art that I have previously made in the form of PATTERN, are as follows:

Kyo Hyorin Pattern Line Art Feminim

Kyo Hyorin

Here I made it with a soft pink color, with color variations instead of black. I combined Thick and Thin lines as well in this design.

This design I made when I was learning Line Art, I tried to make scribbles from it, if you look deeper, each line is made by hand stroke, so I don't use node to node, so if you see a line there is a small bend or not really straight, then it's purely my hand movement. But I didn't change it on purpose, because it gave a natural impression... like a person scribbling a pen on paper.

I realize that my design is still far from "professional", I prefer to think of it as an amateur design, which sometimes motivates me to keep learning and improving.

Because this design is intended for Print on Demand Product or Mechandise, while the design tool that I have only supports a certain resolution, so I made it a Pattern.

If there is luck in the future, you can buy a better device to support design and illustration activities.

Kyo Kage Pattern Line Art Monocolor

Kyo Kage Pattern Line Art Monocolor

This Kyo Kage Pattern design, is more visible for the comparison of Thick and Thin Lines, in this digital line art work, I use a combination of Mirroring (6 Side Mirroring) as well

Floral/Flower doodles also color this Line Art Kyo Kage Pattern. I really like the Elements of Flowers and Butterflies...they are related....

You know caterpillars? yes, maybe the caterpillar looks ugly... but the creature is patient and eventually becomes a cocoon, after that it metamorphoses into a new form full of beauty... that's a butterfly.

And flowers are the component that butterflies like the most, aren't they...some floral motifs and shapes even resemble butterfly wings...

Kyo Kage's design is also natural, I made it manually... with line strokes produced by my dancing hands... hehe

Just like Kyo Hyorin, this is a pattern concept... so it can be used for various Print on Demand media.

For an example of a line art logo, I'll just give you an example from Google Example of Logo Line Art

Where are examples of my work? I'm still embarrassed, because the marketplace is still being rejected for the Line Art Logo that I made... so I'll give you an example of the Line Art Logo above from a pro and experienced designer.

That's all the discussion about Line Art, hopefully it can provide insight for friends who happen to read and as a medium for exploring knowledge for myself. If there is an error or missed perception of my submission, please add a discussion in the comment box, friend.

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